SGS-IPS Testing provides independent services that touch the lives of millions of people. We are the largest lab that provides specialized testing services to the paper, nonwovens, packaging and consumer products industries.
SGS-IPS Testing’s almost 40 years of experience in pulp & paper testing enables us to provide the reliable test information you need to make sound business decisions or solve challenging problems.
Whether it is recyclability, recycled content, migration testing, odor analysis, heavy metals, trace organics, physical properties or defect analysis, SGS-IPS Testing can help you with your testing needs.
SGS-IPS Testing has a wide range of testing capabilities for nonwoven materials and products. From Flushability to fiber analysis, SGS-IPS Testing can help you move your business forward.
SGS-IPS Testing has extensive expertise in the evaluation of a wide range of disposable consumer products including: diapers & adult incontinence products, wipes, medical supplies, surgical gowns and drapes, feminine care pads and tampons. IPS Testing can provide National Brand Equivalency testing and much more.